If you want to hide your utilization or paying a lot interest on your credit cards and want to avoid that, this is for you.
Think about this for a minute.
Hiding your Utilization shows you how to show 0% utilization on your personal credit report to get more funding and maximize approvals.
The Secrets Lenders List shows you how to build a credit card sequence for yourself or your clients knowing the data points and rules for each lender.
And in Banks Rules and Secrets, you’ll discover and learn how to apply correctly get $ credit cards with 1 inquiry on your credit report etc....
Imagine the effect these three Guides alone will have on your Self, Business, and Clients.
I created them specifically to be used together …so the effects of one will simply enhance the effects of the others, therefore making them even more powerful.
And the reason I did that is because I believe that once you use what I’m giving you in these three Guides, you’ll now be ready for the FOURTH training, called …